How often should you use red light therapy?

How often should you use red light therapy?
Red light therapy is a revolutionary technology that claims to help with everything from weight loss to skin aging. NASA developed it in the 1990s to help plants grow in space, but until recently, it had only been used for drug therapy in clinical settings.
Of course, we have been absorbing red and near-infrared light – components that are basically invisible in the spectrum. However, the sun cannot provide the correct wavelength of light in nanometers, nor can it provide the intensity required for therapeutic effects. The red light therapy light turns up the volume to 11, so that the light can penetrate deep into the body and work at the cellular level.
RLT is like being exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. As long as people use it correctly, it can bring true hope to people suffering from a series of chronic diseases.
Before delving deeper into how we should use red light therapy and how often we should use it, first understand some of the most common red light therapies and the average dose that varies from person to person. Science has proven that no two people are the same. Everyone has different health needs, and their response to treatment is the same as everyone having different DNA, fingerprints, ears, and teeth. So, your optimal red light dose depends on the situation you are treating, your overall health status, and your sensitivity.
In several studies, red light therapy was effective and had no side effects. The absorption of red light photons may be affected by skin color, tone, and thickness, so you need to change the treatment time. Before using any form of program (such as red light therapy) to take photosensitive drugs or suffering from skin cancer, it is important to consult a doctor.
1- Anti aging therapy
According to research, red light therapy can improve skin in various ways, from enhancing skin tone to softening wrinkles. In a study on skin health, participants who used red lights twice a week saw significant changes after 30 times.
Place the LED panel at a distance of 12 “to 18” from the wall. Once you achieve the desired effect, subsequent treatment sessions will help you maintain the shine of your skin.
2- Chronic skin diseases
Acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, and other chronic skin diseases are all treated with red light. In research, red light therapy is an effective method for treating these diseases.
Regular treatment with red light may help alleviate symptoms and improve skin health. Start 10 to 20 minutes of training with LED units ranging from 6 inches to 12 inches. Repeat this procedure for three to five days per week for one to four months, and then proceed with maintenance procedures.
3-Muscle rehabilitation
Red light therapy has been proven to help stimulate, repair, and regenerate damaged muscle tissue. Many athletes improve their sports performance by using the red light for pre adjustment and post adjustment.
After exercise, bathe the muscles with red or near-infrared light for 10-20 minutes to accelerate recovery speed. As part of the maintenance plan, phototherapy before and after exercise can help you achieve optimal physical performance.
4- Skin wounds and scars
10-20 minute red light surgery for skin wounds, minor scars, and stretch marks. 3-5 days per week, lasting for 1-4 months, can stimulate the development of collagen and reduce scars. No additional treatment is required, but deeper scars may require long-term solutions.
5- Hair loss
To stimulate hair follicles, use red light at a distance of 6 “to 12” for 10 to 20 minutes every three to five days to promote hair regeneration. Once the hair begins to develop, a maintenance plan will help stimulate the natural growth of the hair. Then you can reduce the frequency to 1-4 days per week after 1-4 months to continue stimulating hair development.
6-Arthritis and joint pain
Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are the most common types of arthritis, affecting an estimated 54 million Americans. For many arthritis patients, red lights have been proven to reduce pain and improve mobility. These participants used 15 minutes of red light therapy twice a day, which was extremely effective, so this may be the best start.
Therefore, the specific time to use the LED red light theory light depends on the type of treatment purpose you are currently in, and the situation varies, the time and frequency of use also vary, and the effect also varies.

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